Screen Keys

From Coder Merlin
Within these castle walls be forged Mavens of Computer Science ...
— Merlin, The Coder


  • A key sequence will be displayed as a series of keys, presented from left to right in the order that each key should be pressed. A space character will separate each of these keys. For example, if the key sequence is q u, this indicates that you should press and release the q key, and then press and release the u key.
  • In some cases, a key sequence requires that a key be pressed with a modifier. In these cases, the modifier will appear first, followed by a hyphen, followed by the second key. A very common modifier is SHIFT. For example, SHIFT-Q would indicate that you first press (and hold) the SHIFT key, then press and release the Q key, then release the SHIFT key. However, because the need to use the shift key is apparent based on the character required, we generally won't show the need for this modifier. As an example, if the required sequence is 4, you'd simply press and release the 4 key. However, if the required sequence is $, you'd need to press and hold the SHIFT key, press and release the $ key, and then release the SHIFT key. All other modifier keys will be displayed explicitly.
  • The sequence CONTROL-u indicates that you first press (and hold) the CONTROL key, then press and release the u key, then release the CONTROL key. The emacs manual will refer to this sequence as C-u.
  • The sequence ALT-x indicates that you first press (and hold) the ALT key, then press and release the x key, then release the ALT key. The emacs manual will refer to this sequence as M-x.
  • If there is a space rather than a dash between keys, the first key must be released before pressing the next key. For example, ESC x indicates that the ESC key should be pressed and released, and then the x key should be pressed and released.
  • There are some cases which require two modifier keys. As an example, the sequence CONTROL-SHIFT-_ indicates that you should first press and hold the CONTROL key, then press and hold the SHIFT key, then press and release the _ key, and then release the other two modifier keys.

The SCREEN key is not an actual key, but rather represents one of the following depending on your operating system. If you are using:

  • a shell outside of  Coder Merlin™  then the default key to be used for Screen is CONTROL-a
  • the  Coder Merlin™  shell on a Mac, the recommended key for Screen is ALT-SPACE
  • the  Coder Merlin™  shell on a Windows machine, the recommended key for Screen in F12

Create/Close Window[edit]

Key Sequence Purpose
SCREEN c Create window
CONTROL-d Close window (exits shell within window)
SCREEN k Kill window (used to kill a window with an unresponsive command)

Window Selection[edit]

Key Sequence Purpose
SCREEN SCREEN Other window (Switch to last window displayed)
SCREEN n Next window
SCREEN p Previous window
SCREEN <digit> Select the window numbered digit
SCREEN ' name RETURN Select the window named name


Key Sequence Purpose
SCREEN x Lock terminal (System password required to unlock)
SCREEN d Detach from terminal


Key Sequence Purpose
SCREEN ESCAPE Enter copy mode
CONTROL-p Previous line
CONTROL-n Next line
ESCAPE Exit copy mode


Key Sequence Purpose
SCREEN S Split region vertically
SCREEN | Split region horizontally
SCREEN TAB Focus next region
SCREEN X Kill current region
SCREEN Q Kill all regions but current
SCREEN F Fit window to region (resize)